Saturday, August 8, 2009

New To This

Well, I thought I would take some time today and show some pics of my family's last outing together. I am very new to this blogger thing and so far it is going pretty slow. I have added some things to my page on your right so please check those out.

I really wish that I had the writing skills to share the day we had this day, but I would not do it justice. All I know is that I have never loved and cherished my family as much as I do today. I understanding that there is nothing good in me, Romans 7:18; but I have and I am because of Jesus Christ, Psalm 84:11.

"Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked" Psalms 84:11 (NIV).



  1. I love the Pics Steve and thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us! Keep up the good work my friend!

  2. i did not know you had a blog, its great and i am excited to see and read it.

  3. You have a lovely family. Thank you for sharing your family with me and now us, your faithful bloggers. Steve, you are great at this. Keep us filled as you share His pouring in your life.
