Friday, August 7, 2009

Just Like My Father

"So God Created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them" Genesis 1:27 (NIV).

My father loved to travel and the Lord had blessed him to be able to travel on many occasions throughout his lifetime. He loved to fish at the Outer Banks annually. He loved to just think of somewhere to go and him and my mother would take a weekend and go camping. One of the greatest endeavors my father accomplished was his trip to Alaska. My mother was not to keen on the idea, but she went. They traveled to Alaska by RV and spent three months ministering at a youth camp.

I was raised to travel and enjoy traveling today. As a child and a young adult I was blessed to be apart of 8 different schools before I graduated high school. I did not really think myself blessed, I hated it. However it was one of the perks of being a PK. One of my most fondest memory was when we moved to West Virginia. As a student there in the 5th grade one of my childhood acquaintances spit a huge "hawkie" on the back of my jacket; how lovely. I did not enjoy West Virginia. After awhile you begin to get used to the idea of moving again, about every 2 years. Finally my father chose to not move any longer when I was in the ninth 9th. I was grateful.

As a young adult I began to here the phrase "you are just like your father". I did not like to here that phrase for a long time. I tried every way possible not to be like my father. My anger due to my confusion as a child and a teenage grew stronger everyday until adulthood. My father wanted me to take over the family business and I just like a stupid young man, refused. The harder I tried not to be like my father the closer I came to being just like him. My wife has just recently stated how I have my father's nose. We use to tease him about his big nose and how that was why he was so nosy. He like to stay in the know!

Yes, I have finally resigned to the fact that I look like my father and I have become proud. Most children do not get the luxury of following such a Godly man. He baptised a many, he lead many to the Lord, he preached thousands of sermons in his lifetime and loved every church he ever pastored; what a legacy! When I was so against my father's life of servant hood to his Lord I was miserable, but when I learned to forgive him I became to love his Lord he preached about for so long.

The last time I saw my father alive and well was in Tennessee on a family vacation. Little did we know that we would park that RV one last time at a KOA campground.

Now that I am older and understand just how fortunate I was to have such a Godly example, I am proud to be accused of looking just like my father.

If I can now accomplish being accused of looking just like my heavenly father; Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, honey, you are your dad made over. I think spiritually and in personality. You have had boundaries and gates in this season of your life to hold you back, but the season will come and you will fly...into the graceful arms of God will. Keep blesses us and even those who remain unspoken. Keep learning His are most at peace and yet fired up when you are fed. Look up, Steve, there are most likely more than one pair of eyes looking down in pride and hope. acf
