Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crock-Pot Laughs

"a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to morn and a time to dance" Ecclesiastes 3:4 (NIV).

I am not to good with the funny stories but I'll give it a go. Here are some funny memories I will try to share, in no particular order. Mind you there are many, but I will share only a few.

  • It was another day in the life of the Hardin's when the child like father would dare to show his children how strong, daring and cool he was, by climbing a tree. Needless to say I was a little lighter at this point in time and I had more hair as well. I began to make my way up the tree showing off my diligence in performing well in front of my family. My wife was sitting on the front porch talking to a friend on the phone. My children at this point I'm not real sure of their wear about, just glad to know that they were not close to the tree during this time of skill building. As I set perched up in the tree in which I had conquered I said to my self I would swing and jump, completing my task with style. I begin to overview the layout of the branches making my choice of the right branch I would latch onto. The decision was made and I would lean forward to grab hold, swing and let go, ending with an acrobatic landing. Unfortunately I would misjudge the length I would stretch to grab the limb and would lose all grip in swinging harder and faster than I had anticipated. This would leave me face down and one inch into the ground. I could not move and as I regained my since of balance I heard my wife laughing so hard on the porch she could not move.
  • One day in the kitchen I would be expressing my love and affection to my dearest wife. To my amazement and shock she took a glass of water and through it on me. I in turn with much anticipation stepped to the sink, filled a glass of water and proceed to chase her out the door. I would be real sly and to get her I would lean forward over the banister of the back porch. She made her move to run down the porch stairs and headed for the barn. Without hesitation I would lean to throw the water directly on her as she ran down the steps. When my wife turned to see why I had not caught up with her, she laughed aloud to find me flat on my back on the ground as I had gotten off balance and flip over the porch banister with glass in hand.
  • (CAUTION; you may not want to read this one.) It was a lovely holiday and the family was getting ready to travel to the kin folk for a relaxing thanksgiving dinner. My wife was getting ready in the bathroom and I had not showered at this time. I had incidentally scratched my back-end when I noticed something on my wife's face. As any loving husband would do I noticed more closely that it was something under her nose. I approached my wife gently and mentioned this something under her nose. Wanting to correct the something, I placed my behind scratching fingers directly under her nose long enough for her to take a deep breath. SHE PUNCHED ME. I deserved it. She's yet to get me back for that one.
  • Last but not least, we were in our first year of marriage and like all newlyweds we hatted to be apart from one another. I had made plans to go out with my sisters and mother for a holiday evening while the wife was back at the trailer park cooking a lovely dinner. Well, I had stayed out just a little later than I had anticipated and called the home base to check in. As an understanding wife would do, she raised her lovely voice just a little. She had slaved over dinner for her no good husband, and he was rude and late for dinner. Upon arriving back to the home greeting my wife with loving arms, it was explained that dinner was in the back yard; still in the crock-pot.
So the next time you prepare a meal in the crock-pot, think of something funny and have a crock-pot laugh.

Please choose to laugh and dance. I have shared a video selection entitled "I Hope You Dance".


  1. you and deanna are to funny, loved the stories and you told them well. love you guys.


  2. Only you Steve! lol! I loved the stories....You are so funny! Love ya!

  3. Steve,

    I just found out you have a blog (thanks, Jenn!). It's so good. I read it all. Keep it up!

  4. P.S. Thanks for the plug!! I am adding yours to mine, if I can get the site to publish it... long story.

  5. There are some wonderful chapters in your marriage story and as I recall most of them are funny...good laughs, good marriage. Love ya.

  6. Oh my goodness Steve! I can just picture the tree story! I laughed out loud!! You are too funny! Love ya and I enjoyed the comic strip! lol
